School of Continuing Studies Launches Four New Certificates in Blockchain Development, Information Privacy and People Analytics

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By Jessica Lamoglie DeNardo

TORONTO, ONTARIO, June 22, 2020 – The York University School of Continuing Studies announces the debut of four new continuing professional education programs that will help retrain and reskill Canada’s future workforce.

TORONTO, ONTARIO, June 22, 2020 – The York University School of Continuing Studies announces the debut of four new continuing professional education programs that will help retrain and reskill Canada’s future workforce. The new offerings include a Post-Graduate Certificate in Back-End and Blockchain Development and three new Certificates in Blockchain Development, Information Privacy and People Analytics respectively. These programs respond to a need for qualified professionals with a unique blend of deep technological expertise combined with broader “human skills” such as critical thinking and complex problem-solving.

Collision From Home Conference“With our focus on preparing the workforce to thrive in emerging fields, we’re delighted to be part of the #CollisionfromHome Conference. Many of our current and planned programs align with topic tracks of the conference.” shared Christine Brooks-Cappadocia, Director of Continuing Professional Education at the School of Continuing Studies.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant job loss across Canada, emerging technical fields such as Blockchain, Information Privacy and People Analytics are still experiencing a demand for skilled workers.

Tracey Taylor-O'Reilly - Assistant Vice-President, Continuing Studies“Our programs at the York University School of Continuing Studies are all aligned with jobs that were in high-demand before the pandemic and will continue to be in demand after,” explains Tracey Taylor-O’Reilly, Assistant Vice-President, Continuing Studies. “Although Canadians are facing high unemployment due to COVID-19, the demand for skilled workers in fields such as Information Privacy, Blockchain and People Analytics isn’t going away.”

The pandemic has raised new questions and concerns for Information Privacy experts on how to collect, use and disclose sensitive data, such as public health information—in order to combat the spread of the virus. The COVID-19 crisis has also shown how People Analytics practices can ensure the safety and well-being of employees, maintain organizational health and productivity, predict risk and tell stories that can have a true social impact. Blockchain enabled technologies that allow the secure and transparent access to data is another vital asset in fighting the pandemic and mitigating future crises like COVID-19.

“As Canada’s leader in providing accelerated, online certificate programs in emerging technical fields, these four new certificate programs will allow graduates to reskill or upskill in these high-demand fields and quickly reenter the workforce,” says Taylor-O’Reilly. All four certificate programs are created in consultation industry leaders and subject matter experts, and the programs’ curricula are designed to align with job functions and responsibilities that hiring managers are looking for in their new employees.

Due to COVID-19 and for the safety of students and instructors, the Certificates in Blockchain Development, People Analytics and Information Privacy will be delivered fully online. The Post-Graduate Certificate in Back-End and Blockchain Development will begin online for the Fall term and then transition to on-campus delivery as public health guidelines permit.

The first cohorts of the new programs starting in Fall 2020 will join the growing wave of School of Continuing Studies graduates that are finding career success in emerging fields in Canada. The School will continue to enhance and expand its program offerings, which also include certificates in Machine Learning, Full-Stack Web Development, Big Data Analytics and Cyber Security.

About the York University School of Continuing Studies
York University’s School of Continuing Studies is the fastest growing continuing education provider in the country. With a commitment to lifelong learning and access to education, the School offers professional certificate programs and English language preparation. The School is composed of a dynamic Continuing Professional Education (CPE) unit that develops innovative certificate programs that prepare professionals to thrive in the rapidly changing world of work. It is also home to the York University English Language Institute (YUELI) — the largest university English language institute in Canada.

For more information please contact:
Hassan Ally, Director, Marketing and Enrolment Management,
416 317 8265,