Graduate Studies Preparation Program (GSPP)

Within four or eight months, the Graduate Studies Preparation Program will improve your English language proficiency to a graduate school level (IELTS 6.5/7/7.5) and help you to apply to graduate studies at Canadian or American universities.

The unique benefits of this program include:

  • Comprehensive graduate/Master’s level preparation (English Proficiency/academic skills and strategies) to set you up for success
  • University pathway partnerships (York U, Canada, UK, US, Europe)
  • GSPP students have consistently high GPAs in York University Master’s programs
  • Higher Retention/Graduation rates than domestic/visa students in York U Master’s programs (2013-2019)
  • Academic and professional modules and networking opportunities
  • Experiential Education opportunities (grad workshops/career fairs/visiting universities)
  • CCLB evaluated exit level of CLB 10
  • Expert graduate school test preparation (IELTS, GRE/GMAT)
  • Capstone projects with academic audience to use in grad applications
  • Opportunities for academic publication at York U (Yorkspace)

Choose between term 1 (IELTS 5.5) or term 2 (IELTS 6.5) entry.