Recruit experienced talent into your workplace

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Bring new, experienced talent into your workplace 

We know that top talent is key to the success of your industries, but finding and retaining this talent can be challenging. Global talent shortages will reach an all-time high and by 2030, it could cost organizations in North America alone $8.5 trillion in lost revenue.  

Join us to build the talent your industry needs and provide access to well-trained and qualified candidates. We work with business leaders like you to create innovative programs that can connect you with an under tapped pool of diverse, experienced talent.  

Here are some of the most successful ways to partner with us: 

  • Provide work-integrated learning projects. Our programs feature work-integrated learning projects where employers present students with real-world projects and challenge them to find innovative solutions. Leverage insights and solutions for your organization from highly motivated and resourceful students. What’s more our students come to us with a wealth of educational, employment and life experiences which will broaden the perspectives they bring to each project.  
  • Partner with us and recommend new programs that will impact your industry or company. Share your insights on the skills vital for success in your organization and enable us to customize learning outcomes for our public programs. 
  • Join our Program Advisory Committees. Have a direct say in the direction of our programs and influence the skills and experiences you desire in new hires for your industry and organization  
  • Recruit from our alumni. Gain access to potential new hires with a robust new skill set and deliberate practice in their chosen field 

Want more information or ready to discuss a partnership?