The School of Continuing Studies wins Gold for Best Adult Education in The Toronto Star’s Readers’ Choice Awards

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This September, The Toronto Star opened voting for its annual Readers’ Choice Awards. For a month, Torontonians went online to cast a vote for their favourite GTA businesses in over 400 Readers’ Choice categories, ranging from food, dentists, bookstores, golf courses, and many more. On November 15th, the winners were announced, and the York University School of Continuing Studies won “Gold” in the category of Best Adult Education!

Since 2014, the School of Continuing Studies has been preparing professionals in the GTA for the future of work. The School offers both in-class and online programs in a wide range of in-demand disciplines. These programs are designed to develop well-rounded professionals with the cross-functional skills that employers value.

As Torontonians are no doubt aware, the job market in the GTA is constantly evolving and shifting. Technology advancements, culture shifts, among many other factors, have created skills gaps in several emerging fields. Over the last several years, in the GTA alone, there has been a drastic increase in demand for trained professionals in fields such as IT Audit, Cyber Security, Digital and Content Marketing, and Machine Learning. The School’s programs have been carefully curated in collaboration with industry experts to help fill these skills gaps and to instill students with the skills and knowledge that employers want.

This award is a huge honour. It is a reminder to our faculty and staff that we are delivering on our promise of providing new graduates and working professionals the opportunity to advance their career or launch a new one.

Thank you to everyone who voted!