First ever School of Continuing Studies graduation ceremony a night to remember


Some of the international graduates of the Post-Degree Certificate in Human Resources Management celebrate their accomplishments.


The York University School of Continuing Studies held the School’s inaugural graduation ceremony on the night of May 26 with great success. The event, which saw more than 200 attendees, featured guest speakers, certificate presentations, and the social media contest.

The York University School of Continuing Studies held the School’s inaugural graduation ceremony on the night of May 26 with great success. The event, which saw more than 200 attendees, featured guest speakers, certificate presentations, and the #YorkSCSgrad social media contest.

The night celebrated the accomplishments and hard work of graduates from 7 different programs, including the Post-Degree Certificate in Human Resources Management, the Certificate in Dispute Resolution, and the Certificate in Family Mediation.

Tracey Taylor-O’Reilly addresses graduates and guests.

“We are here to honour you, as many of you have balanced work life, family life and an academic life in order to make this achievement a reality.” said Tracey Taylor-O’Reilly, AVP of the School of Continuing Studies, to the graduate audience in attendance.

“Tonight represents a unique moment in history where students from the past and present meet together at this moment of our first graduation as the new School of Continuing Studies.”

“You have our sincere congratulations for your accomplishments, as well as our gratitude for choosing York University to help you further your academic and professional goals.”

The night was highlighted by speeches from special guests Dr. Alice Pitt, the vice provost academic of York University, and Steve Wuthmann, a senior HR executive and member of the  School’s Human Resources Management Advisory Council.

Dispute Resolution graduate, Dr. Roberta Iannacito (@ItalianLingProf) was the lucky winner of the #YorkSCSgrad social media contest taking home a bouquet of flowers from Convocation Flowers.

There were a number of terrific success stories from different students, from those moving on to new careers, with others applying and being accepted into master’s programs.

Steve Wuthmann crop

Steve Wuthmann describes how graduates can leverage their skills to make themselves attractive to employers.

Marien Ponce, a graduate of the Human Resources Management program, has even been inspired to run in the 2016 New York City Marathon taking place November 6.

“The HR Certificate empowered me in many ways and made me feel more confident in my skills and abilities,” says Ponce. “The certificate is not just a formal training in the field, but also about enhancing our inner strengths.  Therefore, after eight months of hard work, and facing many challenges, I know I am ready for the NYC marathon.”

The School continues to grow, with multiple new certificate programs kicking off in the fall.

“Now in our second official year, we are already one of the largest schools of continuing studies in Canada.  We are now able to meet the educational needs of a much broader number of professions,” said Taylor-O’Reilly. “As I stand here today, students are signing up for new programs in the fall, including in business administration, accounting and cyber security, leading to an exponential growth in the number and breadth of people we are able to serve.”

Graduates are encouraged to continue to share photos and stories of their time at the School of Continuing Studies by tweeting @Continue_YorkU or via Facebook. Some photos from the night are up on Facebook to view and share.

Stay in touch and congratulations everyone!


Graduates of the Human Resources Management program celebrate the night.