Our students are at the center of all that we do.
It’s not enough to provide exceptional education—career-enhancing experiences can make all the difference to someone looking to start a new career in emerging fields like full-stack web development or user experience design.
That’s why, on June 24th, we’re giving our Certificate in Full-Stack Web Development students free tickets to attend an upcoming #DevTO Meetup event in downtown Toronto!
This event, hosted by #DevTO, the premiere community of code enthusiasts and web developers in Toronto, will give our students the chance to meet other professionals who are passionate about websites and user experience, as well as hear from speakers about pressing issues facing web developers today.
This is the type of experiential learning our students can expect when they choose to continue their studies with us at York.
Want to take advantage of benefits like this? Find out more about our Certificate in Full-Stack Web Development or Certificate in User Experience (UX) Design.
Classes start in September