How might the labour negotiations between York University and CUPE 3903 impact School of Continuing Studies and YUELI students?

York University’s highest priority is  supporting the academic success of each and every one of our students. The University has made and will continue to make every reasonable effort to reach a collective agreement with CUPE 3903 and avoid a strike. We remain fully committed to continuing negotiations with the assistance of the provincially appointed mediator to reach a new collective agreement. However, if teaching assistants, graduate assistants and contract faculty decide to strike as of Monday, March 5, the legal strike deadline, the University will take every possible step to limit the impact of the labour disruption on York students.

Please note that the School of Continuing Studies and YUELI instructors are not part of the CUPE 3903 bargaining unit and our classes will run as scheduled. Students in the N.O.W. Plus Pathway should learn more about the potential impact on degree courses at

York University will remain open including libraries, cafeterias, student services, administrative offices and other university facilities will remain open.

You may experience delays in coming onto campus or be dropped off just outside campus boundaries if traveling by public transit other than the subway. Please allow for extra travel time.


Respect York values

If there is a strike, the entire York community will be affected, with different viewpoints expressed on all sides. We call on every member of our community to live up to York’s values of civility, open and constructive dialogue, and respect for others.

Stay up to date on the latest labour information. Go to you have any questions, please let us know.