Core Courses
Level 1 – Introductory Business Valuation
Be introduced to business as an area of specialized practice including the role of the Business Valuator, valuation terminology and principles, professional standards and practice issues and earnings-based valuation methodologies.
Level 2 – Intermediate Business Valuation
Examine valuation issues and tax-related matters that can impact a valuation. A number of important tax considerations are inherent in most valuation assignments. As a result, the valuator must understand the fundamental principles of the Canadian tax system on a theoretical and practical level. An integral part of the valuator’s work is to know how the organization will be taxed, which is impacted by the type of ownership and the types of income the organization is earning.
Level 3 – Advanced Business Valuation
After completing the Introduction and Intermediate courses, you will have developed an understanding of valuation theory and methodology, and begun to apply that theory – and those skills – to practice cases. The purpose of this course is to elaborate on that foundational knowledge and to strengthen your awareness of business valuation theory. By the end of this course, you will have an understanding of more sophisticated valuations techniques, and the skills to apply those techniques to real life cases.
Level 4 – Special Topics in Business Valuation
By moving through the Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced valuations courses, you have developed your skills and knowledge in valuation theory and methodology. The purpose of this course is to extend your learning to a number of additional specialized topics, each of which significantly (and regularly) impacts CBVs in real-world practice. By gaining knowledge in these areas, you will be best prepared for the interesting and varied challenges that you will face when you practice as a CBV.
Elective Courses
Litigation Support in Business Valuation
Gain a solid foundation in litigation matters as they relate to the valuation of businesses and/or economic damages. From the engagement process to the valuation of losses in specific industries, this course will provide you with a comprehensive overview of issues in the field. At the end of this course, you will have a sound understanding of the ways that law and business valuation connect and interact, and be able to apply litigation knowledge to your engagements as a business valuator. The required reading for this course is included within the notes, but references to case law and other relevant documents provide opportunities for further learning.
Corporate Finance
When companies seek financing, they often turn to valuators to assist them in preparing financing proposals and in structuring financing deals. As a valuator, it is crucial for you to understand how to best serve your clients at these key business-developing stages. This course introduces you to the issues and techniques relevant to this area. The assignments found at the end of this course will provide you with an important opportunity to apply your newly acquired knowledge to realistic cases, while reinforcing your practical skills.
Valuation for Financial Reporting
Accounting and valuation standards for financial reporting are constantly changing and have become increasingly complex. This course builds on concepts covered in Level III – Advanced Business Valuation, which introduced valuation for financial reporting concepts as well as the valuation of intangible assets. IVFR continues and expands on this foundation with coverage of a number of the financial reporting-related standards and guidance in existence and used in practice, as well as some of the related valuation issues that can be encountered.
This course takes a public company perspective and focuses on the international financial reporting standards (“IFRS”) as all Canadian public companies are required to report under IFRS. Further, the accounting standards for private enterprises (“ASPE”) are predominantly similar to IFRS with respect to the valuation of intangibles and the impairment of goodwill and intangibles for financial reporting purposes.
Private Investments
This course provide an introduction to private investments as an area of specialized practice. By the end of this course, studnets will be comfortable with private investment terminology and have a general understanding of fundamental concepts in the field, as well as an awareness of issues that require specialized industry knowledge.
Withdrawals & Refunds
- Students registered in a CICBV course may withdraw from the course using the CICBV Withdrawal Request Form and receive a refund (less a $50 administration fee, which will be withheld) only if they withdraw within 48 hours after they register. After 48 hours, refunds will not be provided.
- A full refund will be granted in the event that the CICBV cancels a course due to low enrolment.
- Withdrawal requests must be submitted on the CICBV Withdrawal Request Form to the York University School of Continuing Studies.
Complementary Registrations
In the event of a medical emergency or the death of a loved one, requests for complementary registrations may be made directly to the York University School of Continuing Studies ( Students will contact the Program Office if they are unable to write an exam (after the Opt out deadline). Valid supporting documentation (e.g., medical note from a physician, death certificate, etc.) which clearly outlines the details of the emergency that occurred and resulted in the student not being able to write their examination will be requested. Please note that complimentary registrations are not guaranteed, and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Special Accommodations
Requests for special accommodation are made directly to CICBV Director of Education and Accreditation, Christine Sawchuk, at