CICBV Examination Appeal Chartered Business Valuation – Examination Appeal Process POLICY THAT: Review and Appeal will be accepted only in relation to a request for review of a failing grade. Request for Review and Appeal must be made by the Registered Student, in writing and with appropriate fees to the Program Office, no later than the closing date for all exam appeals. This date will be indicated in the Registered Student’s Achievement Report, which is the report that gives the grade achieved. Neither the examination “suggested solution” nor the examination marking key will be made available to Registered Students prior to the completion of all reviews and appeals for the related semester. The Review and Appeal Process will entail the following: ensure that all answer books submitted by the student were received for marking; ensure that all question answers were marked and the final tally is correct; the answers to the examination are remarked; the student will receive: Their examination response paper, and A written question-by-question analysis of their responses, with some detail given as to where marks were lost; reviews and appeals will be dealt with by the Academic Advisor or an appropriate alternate designated by the Academic Advisor; students will only be advised whether the Review and Appeal resulted in a passing or failing grade. Students will not be advised of such grade achieved. The $265 (plus applicable taxes) fee for a Review and Appeal can be paid by credit card (online). The full fee will be refunded if a pass is awarded after the review. If you have any questions related to the appeals process please contact the York Program Office Assistant at The result of the Review and Appeal process is final.